jueves, 7 de junio de 2012

Attention to diversity: activities in groups and expositions

   The next thing we did in class was to talk about attention to diversity, a very important topic to us. As teachers, we have to know about all the students in our class; their economic and social situation, how they behave with his parents and friends...
   This time we had to design a dynamic and funny activity to present one theme which information about was provided by the teacher. This time we didn't have to do a presentation, we had to find an original and interesting way of presenting that information. There were three topics to choose:
  1. Special Education Needs provision within Mainstream Education (Students with specific need of ed. support).
  2. Separate Special Education Needs provision in Early Childhood and School Education (Students with specific need of ed. support).
  3. Support Measures for learners in Early Childhood and School Education (Students in disadvantaged situation).
   Our group decided to work on the 2nd topic: Separate Special Education Needs provision in Early Childhood and School Education.

   So, in order to organize ourselves and our minds we make what we called an 'activity card' where it was exposed what we would do to present our theme. 

    Here you can download the complete word file and see what is about.

   Weeks later, we made a funny activity-debate where we have to defend what this aid or another was more necessary for a hospital than a school for disabled students for example, and so on.

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