lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

What is this? Icebreakers

   So, in the first session, for knowing each other and know something about the subject, we first say our names and then we tried to find an english definition of what "Orientación educativa y acción tutorial" meant.
   First, by ourselves (individually), we try to give a brief meaning to that spanish title of the subject. Mines were: 'educative orientation', 'tutorials', 'guidance in schools'... and others i can't remember. Then, in groups, we put our ideas in common and came into similar conclusion of what is this subject about.
   Then, also in groups, we tried to define the aims of the subject. What is it supposed to teach us? What we want to know? Here there are a couple of ideas: to assist the student, fulfill his basic needs, understanding himself and acceptance of others, developing relations with peers, realizing successful achievement, providing opportunities to gain independence...

The purposes of guidance and counseling provide emphasis and strength to the educational program. Some specific aims of the school guidance and counseling program include the following (Gibson, 2009) 

   By the course of the class we realize that we were using a kind of typical and topical words such 'guidance' or 'counseling'. So, at the end we define the entire title of the subject: 'School guidance and counseling' and give ideas of what was it about or what it was supposed to be about.